Welcome to Ebenezer Karen Baptist Church ( EKBC) of Edmonton, Alberta.

EKBC is blessed to have Musay Htee as our lead pastor, and Saw Winzaw Eh as our Associate pastor.

The EKBC congregation would love to have you come and worship with us! Nursery is available for children ages 3 and under.

The Meaning of our logo

The triangle represent the Trinity, the one God we know as three person- The Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. The cross symbolizes Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross for our salvation. The two horn on the side represent the traditional musical instrument of the Karen Culture to form us as one.

We call ourselves Christian because we believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour from sin and as the Lord our lives. We called ourselves Baptist because we believe that when a person’s immersed in the water, it symbolizing purification of new life and a person’s heart is opened to the good news of the Bible and admission to the Christian Church.